Genre: Comedy, Action, Drama
Language: Hindi
Quality: WEB-DL
Summary: The series is a modern take on the rivalry between Krishna and Kansa. Kansa has reincarnated on Earth in the form of Kanishk the smooth talking principal of Mathura Anath Ashram. He tries to win complete obedience of his school and kids before conquering the world. However, Kris, the reincarnation of Lord Krishna, makes it difficult for Kanishk as he keeps the goodness in all the kids alive. In order to get rid of Kris, Kanishk calls various monsters and demons from Paataal Lok (the Netherworld) to fight and beat Kris, but using his wit and mystical powers, Kris keeps defeating all the demons. All of Kanishk”s attempts fail as Kris with his friends overcome all the obstacles Kanishk creates for them.